Welcome, I’m Renato. I was wandering around without destination through Asia when I understood that VIVA, my restaurant, could only be open here in Krabi. Therefore it’s 14 years that I bake pizza as well as home made tagliatelle. I donate the good mood to customers.
VIVA has Italy in its blood and Thailand in the air.
Bonjour! Welcome in my bar. I’m Celine, I’ve opened one week ago, sorry if I’m still in the middle of the work. I’ve called it Tea Lounge, I would like that people all over the world meet here, drinking organic tea, sharing ideas to build a better society.
I chose Perth in Australia…because…why not Perth?
Welcome! I’m Paul. I was a backpacker travelling around south east Asia and now it’s 17 years that I’ve opened this British cafĂ© in Kuta, you know I felt in love with a Balinese woman. Now I’m travelling keeping still, thanks to all tourists who take place here. That’s why my little children already speak three languages.
I’m fascinated to discover the reason why someone decide to stop in a place and establish his tent forever there. Sometimes they make me more curious than the travellers, because the pilgrims like me, seem to go and go without stopping, instead sooner or later they want to come back home. They don’t. They bravely chose to find a new promised land , to become citizens of another nation, to learn the language and habits, to do business and for sure to create a family far away from their native land.
I’m fascinate, because I see nostalgia and hope, sometimes regret and optimism every day, resignation almost never and constantly vital energy.
These wonderful people are as trees which have decided to let their own root, as well as their future, grow in a different place. You need to be brave to move a tree, thereafter I admire them, because it’s so rarely as to be unique to find a palm on Garda lake or an olive tree in the equator.
They are trees above the border of lushness.